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Route des Pêches

Route des Pêches is a gigantic tourist development project along the Atlantic coast of southern Benin around 40km of coastline along the axis connecting Cotonou to Ouidah. The indigenous population of this coastal area is called "Tofinou" which means "people of the sea". The main activity of the latter is fishing. Along the Fishing Route and facing the sea, you have the opportunity to rest on deckchairs, taste seafood and good dishes, enjoy the benefits of nature in the company of a refreshing cocktail. Without forgetting to contemplate the fishermen hauling the nets containing the fish by hand from the shore: an experience to be lived. This tourist area is still under development. It is conducive to the practice of nautical activities as well as to tourist activities mobilizing soft modes of transport, namely: horseback riding, on foot, by bike ...
A stay in Cotonou without going to the seaside coast is an unfinished stay.

This project will be completed by end 2022


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