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Historical museum (Abomey)

The historical museum of Abomey, UNESCO world heritage since 1985 Abomey, inescapable kingdom of Danxomè shelters within it twelve royal palaces having served as a residence for twelve kings from 1625 to 1900. The palaces of King Ghézo and that of Glèlè represent the historical museum of Abomey with an area of more than 40 hectares.
This museum allows you to experience the history of the ancient kingdom of Benin through the highlights and highlights of the entire royal lineage, the Place des Amazones and the resistance to colonial occupation.
In addition to the historical and cultural dimensions, the authenticity of the museum of Abomey also relies on its cultic dimension because rituals take place there until These days. The walls of the museum are marked by bas-reliefs which are symbols distinctive characteristics characterizing the strength of each King.

Visiting Abomey is an opportunity to have an overview and a better understanding of the history of Benin!

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